Sunday, November 20, 2016

Body skin, Face skin and Feet care in winter

Hi everyone,

                     Winter weather is not fun for skin. With out immediate care, dry skin can lead to cracking and bleeding, and harsh winter wind makes the problem worse. The cold days of winter bring more than just a rosy glow to the cheeks. They also bring uncomfortable dryness to the skin of the face , hands , and feet.
                                              Dryness is the sing that your skin need more protection for winter weather. To reduce chapping , redness , itching and make your skin soft ,healthy and beautiful following some tips to care your skin during the winter months:

1. How to wash over skin: protect your skin when you wash, Do not use very hot water  for wash your  face or body, because hot water burn your skin cells and adsorption your natural skin oil. Make sure when you take bath or wash your face always use lukewarm normal water , does not mater what is your skin type dry skin, normal skin, oily skin, sensitive skin, ageing skin, irritated dry skin you wash with lukewarm water.

2. type of body shop or body wash : which type body wash you choice for your body skin that is the most important thing because you just not only clean dust on your body. You also need your body skin natural oil and moisturizing  not gone out form your body after shower. Use that type of body shop or body wash for your body skin which make your skin moisturized after shower. find the body wash that can outshine your shower goodies.
3. type of face wash : Like body shop or body wash always choose the best face wash according to your skin type. If your skin so dry choose the face wash which make your skin moisturize, if  your skin make sure your face wash not give you more oil because so ,much oil in oily skin is the basic problem of pimple. my skin is irritated dry so I always use the face wash which is control my natural oil of face skin and make my skin moisturized

4. moisturizing lotion or body lotion : choose lotion which moisturize your skin long time, use moisturizing lotion two's in a day so that your skin moisturized persists. You also choose moisturizing according  your skin type and also what ever you like. If you want fair skin choose lotion that give you fair skin after use. moisturizing lotion protect your skin from dry ness, cracking and redness.
5. use sunscreen in winter: some people think that sun cream only used in summer, that is not true you used sun cream also in winter weather , because it protect your skin from UV rays but make sure sun cream not give you dullness. choose your sun cream which not give you tanned look.
6. Don't use to much moisturizer : most common skin care mistake to much moisturizer. Its not like that you use to much moisturizer for make your skin soft. Just like you not eat 2 days of food in just one time like your skin is not eat too much moisturizer.. too much moisturizing not make your skin soft but it make your skin dull , black , tanned. Because dust is so fast connect with your moisturizing skin and too much moisture give you oily skin so make sure you not use too much moisturizer.
7. Foundation in winter : Well if you do makeup make sure your sun cream and moisturizer is all set for make up. My skin is so dry if I use foundation without any moisturizer my skin look crack and small skin layers come out. you use a toner before foundation it give you natural look and help to set your foundation. You can also use organ ail with your foundation so that your foundation not come out in your make and not any small crack layer look your face so remember that..

8. Protect your feet in winter : Many woman worried for her feet in winter because there feet become crack and bleeding in that winter months. For protect you wear two layer of socks .
if there are so cold in your house also wear slippers , because cold floor also reason of your crack feet. Keep your feet dry not do so much work in water. You also use cream or moisturizer in your feet so that your feet become soft not cracky cracky.......
9. Lips care in winter : In the winter months our lips become so dry and the dry lips also bleeding. In that case first of all you drink planet of water so your lips and body always hydrate . For soft lip you also use lip balms. Rise your lips with warm water and put lip balm or gloss, I use vaseline petroleum jelly on my lips because no any product beat the Vaseline petroleum jelly. You can also use honey and sugar for soft pink lips. always remember don't make matte forever.

10. Night skin care routine : Its most important part of your day to take care of your skin and the night time is the best time to care and repair your skin  lips and feet. First of all remove your makeup and wash your face , hands and feet , after that you apply any skin care cream or moisturizer which suits to your skin type also after washing your feet apply some moisturizer on your feet you can use boroplus for your feet( my mom use it ). Don't forget care your lips clean your lips with rose water in a cotton ball and apply a lip balm.  Now you and your skin get ready for beauty sleep....

after all day routine and night care you get soft beautiful skin, feet , body........

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