Friday, December 30, 2016

10 healthiest New Year resolutions for 2017

Hi everyone,

         new is just coming here is 10 healthiest new year resolution only for you.

1. Never miss a coffee date with your friends

Make time to meet your friends even if that means letting your clothes go unwashed for a while, or driving through a jam for over an hour. There will always be commitments that will make you cancel coffee dates with your friends but don't forget that people with close friends are more capable to handle tough situations in life than those who are solitary.

2. Don't eat to make someone else happy

While you should not beat yourself up over high calorie foods, you should also not feel guilty denying a high-calorie snack that will upset your health goals. In short, do not eat something just to please someone; however, a meal served with love could be an exception (Your mom's indulgent gajar ka halwa or saag for example).

3. Don’t completely avoid your favorite food

The worst thing that you could do to yourself while trying to lose weight is to stop eating all the things you like. No matter how unhealthy your favorite foods are, do not cut them out of your diet completely. Have a small portion of your favourite food once in a while. This way you can stay away from the temptation to indulge in it.

4. Fix one meal on your own

We all have our helps to get through a busy day. Making one meal on your own not only makes it healthy (because you are aware of the quantities involved), but also helps you unwind. So choose any meal and fix it, it can be your snack as well.

  5. Read a book for ten minutes before you sleep

Reading will help you sleep better because it puts your consciousness on another plane, which will induce sleep and also reading takes you to a fictional world that eases the tension and helps you relax better. We say specifically read from a book and not from your phone or tablet because the blue light emitted from the screen restrains the production of melatonin, the hormone that controls your sleep. Reduction in melatonin makes it harder to fall asleep.

6. Stretch your arms and legs in office

This is important if you have a desk job. Lift your legs straight up while sitting on the chair and stretch them for 30 seconds. Doing this reduces the risk of blood clots that can occur after prolonged sitting. Take occasional breaks from your laptop screen. This will help prevent dry eyes, headaches and blurry vision. Make sure you keep a distance of at least 50-60 cms between your eyes and the computer screen and there is adequate light in the room.

7. Have vegetables and fruits in 3:4 ratio

You know how important it is to eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day. The 3:4 ratio is a new approach to having your fruits and vegetables. This ratio requires one to have 3 different coloured vegetables, for example, Okra, tomatoes, and pumpkin along with a salad that consists 4 different colours like diakon, radish (mooli), cucumber, beetroot and carrots.

8. Drink more water

Internet is bombarded with health tips, and one of the most common is to keep yourself well hydrated. But how many of you really take this tip seriously. Not many! So this new year, ensure that your water intake is adequate. They say, for every 20 kgs, your body requires one liter of water. So make sure you are having adequate water but not intoxicating yourself. Excess water can eliminate essential salt from your body, making you feel exhausted all the time. So if you are having liquids like juices, green tea etc, accordingly adjust your water intake. Water intake should start as soon as you wake up in the morning. After a long sleep, your body gets naturally dehydrated and to refill the tank, a glass of water is required. This will also nourish your cells, and boost your metabolism.

9. Sleep on time

Due to many factors, sleeping well may not completely be under your control but hitting the bed on time surely is. Decide a specific bedtime and don't wait for yourself to feel sleepy. Stick to the time and you will see a drastic change in your health. Sleep is vital for both physical and mental well-being as resting time is repairing time. Waking up groggy in the morning is a sign of bad sleep that may affect your health more than you think it would.

10. Volunteer and help others

There have been numerous studies that suggest helping others brings happiness and as we all know, happiness is good for your well-being. You can always use these positive emotions to lead a more active life. A stress-free brain is more productive than a pressurized one and helping one another only makes life simpler!

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