Friday, December 30, 2016

If Your Guy Ever Does These 5 Things, DON’T MARRY HIM

Hi everyone,

As we grow old, we become wiser and learn from our mistakes mostly. But while we are madly in love sometimes we experience things with our lovers, that at the moment seem not right, but we choose to forgive and let go, and move on with the relationship, just because we are in love with the person. We do things, that cannot be explained, to the point to losing our identity, our dignity.
But, is this right? Is it better to think about it now, and NOT regret it later? How many times you did the wrong decision and regret it later on? Many times. We, women have the deepest instincts when it comes to our men and our kids. So next time, when your instinct is telling you that something is not right, listen to it.
And we are presenting you the top 5 things you MUST never forgive!

1. He gets violent, even if he doesn’t hit you.

ALERT! Those of you who are reading this, know what it’s like to be in abusive relationships. Be strong, don’t be scared, because you don’t deserve to be treated that way. Nobody does! Don’t lose yourself over something you will definitely regret in the future. It’s easy to say, yes. But there is nothing worse than destroying your health, because in these situations, you never know how his actions will escalate.

2. He cheats.

Many of you might say that there are couples who after cheating ended up in better relationships. But it’s not the act of cheating the problem here. It’s the disrespect, the broken trust and the risk of health !
Cheating is completely selfish. Do you want a person who puts his wants before your needs? Say goodbye to cheats right away!

3. He doesn’t claim or proclaim you.

You want to be treated as you treat him right? Well, if you have dated more than 6 months and hi still haven’t made you an official partner, or presented you to his friends and, no, something is not right.
Stop ignoring this fact, it is very important. If he finds you worth enough, he will be proud to show you in front of everybody.

4. He suffers from addiction.

If he suffers from something, of course you must be by his side. But if these hard times include his fight with demons he can’t get out for years, you’re in for disappointment. Addiction can be a major issue.
A person who suffers from addiction WILL DO ANYTHING, to get their fix, even at the price of those they love. Unless you want to be completely disappointed, leave him.

5. He gaslights you.

Those who have experienced, know how bad this is. Manipulative men, and men who make you crazy, like you are the one who does everything wrong, like you always forget something are the worst. A man who uses manipulative tricks to win the argument, is a selfish and controlling type of guy you don’t want in your life. These fights might increase to a major fight that you will hate your life. So don’t make the mistake, don’t be the played one, and leave him.

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