Thursday, December 29, 2016

10Things you got wrong about workout

Hi everyone,

With 2017 round the corner, many fitness enthusiasts will be abound with new energy this January. Parks and gyms will be full and the sale of yoga mats will increase even in a demonetized India.

                         While many theories got passed on through generations and some came about with more awareness, there are a few which land us in quandary

1. ​Eating before workout

While many gym trainers argue over this, research shows that those who eat before a workout, let's say a banana or a power-packed smoothie, are better fueled up for higher intensity workout. 

2. ​Exercising for more than an hour

Spending two hours at the gym will not lead to losing extra weight or magically shrink you down. According to leading nutritionists and fitness trainers, working out for one hour every day is sufficient for a healthy active lifestyle. 

3. Weight training will bulk you up

This is a common myth among men and women. Weight training in fact is essential to achieve stability and tone your body in the correct manner. Weight training increases your lean body mass and hence helps in increasing your metabolism which will burn more calories.

4. ​Spot-reduction as and when needed

“I want to reduce only the cellulite around my thighs” - a common myth among us all. Spot reduction refers to picking an area of the body and trying to tone and/or reduce that part. You cannot slim your waist when you need to wear that red saree or make only biceps for that beach look . Even if you start doing exercises “targeted” towards one particular area, calories will be burnt throughout the body and not only in the designated area.

5. ​Going gluten-free for weight loss

Gluten-free and lactose-free are the newest trends of the season. With people opting for skimmed milk, soy milk, almond milk or eating flours that are ‘gluten-free’ for weight loss, brands offering such choices only seem to be growing in number.
 Not eating your local produce and opting for foods that you have not grown up eating leads to contra-desired results, making you prone to gaining weight rather than losing it.

6. Cardio alone will make you lose weight

Only depending upon your aerobics, dance , jogging or treadmill will not help. Cardio exercises alone cannot make you lose weight. Teaming it up with weight training and strength training will give you the desired results.

7. ​Only exercise is sufficient for weight loss

Going to the gym everyday for two hours and then hogging the entire day will not move an iota of inch from your body. Grouping your exercise regime with a proper diet plan that supplements your body well will help you achieve your goal faster.

8. ​Not eating enough

We burn calories throughout the day. Be it in the morning, afternoon or evening. This is in addition to our fitness regime. Burning 1800 calories everyday and fueling your body with only 1200 calories, may give you immediate result of losing weight. However, this is a short-term achievement that will have long term repercussions of gaining weight and the problems that come along with it.

9. Crunches are the best way to get abs

Crunches are NOT the way of getting abs. To get abs, your diet and your exercise regime need to blend together. Working every day on your abdominal area with exercises like planks, push ups and weight training will help you get the desired results. Therefore, do not only depend on crunches to get you that summer look.

10. ​More sweating means more calories burnt

This is the most common and widespread myth! Sweating more has nothing to do with how many calories you burn. Sweating is the body’s way of cooling you down after a hot workout, do not confuse it with burning calories. Calories are burnt when muscle is moved in one way or the other.

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