Monday, January 16, 2017

10 Steps for a best Home Manicure

Hi everyone,

More than 50% of your daily work is done by your hands than any other part of your body. How much thought do we really put into taking care of these frequently used organs? Especially for us ladies, who do all the housework from washing the dishes to scrubbing the floor where our fingers get into regular contact with different chemicals which may or may not be skin friendly. A good manicure is really important in terms of your appearance. I myself used to give having a manicure hardly any importance specially since I do minimal amount of housework however seeing extremely well groomed females in university around me started giving me complexion: P. That’s where the obsession with the nails started !!

1) Dab a cotton pad in a nail polish remover and rub it over your nails whether you have nail polish on or not. Why? Because it helps in removing any substance not visible to the naked eye.

2) Next, soak your fingernails in a hot bowl of water for 5-10 mins as it will help the nails to be easily filed. When the water gets cold or around the room temperature that’s when you know you can take out your fingers from the bowl. Your nails will start feeling soft. Dry them with a towel
3) Cut your nails up to the length you want. For starters, keep it to a considerably medium length where you don’t think your nails will get chipped off easily.
4) Shape your nails using a nail filer (using a glass or emery board, whichever you prefer). If it’s your first time, it might feel rough & extremely irritating. Make sure you file them in one direction toward the centre of the nail (don’t go back and forth).
5) Next, apply cuticle oil on your fingers. If you get OPI products where you stay, you can use the OPI Avoplex Cuticle Oil To Go. Else you can just use olive oil or jojoba oil. Apply a tiny drop into each finger and massage them in clockwise/anti-clockwise direction.
6) Gently push the cuticles on your fingernail back using the flat end of a cuticle pusher. You can find a cuticle pusher in any drugstore either separately or along with a nail kit. Some people prefer cutting the cuticle however I don’t think it’s a healthy option as cuticles as very much important for your nails as they are said to protect the nail base from bacteria, fungus, yeast etc.
7) Apply hand lotion just on your hands & not your nails. Rub a Q-tip over your nails to remove leftover oil & moisture.
8) Apply a clear base coat on each nail.
9) Apply any nail polish in the color of your choice. You should always apply nail polish using 3 strokes, one from the centre base to the tip and one on each side. Reapply a 2nd coat when the previous coat gets completely dry.
10) Apply a quick drying clear top coat on each nail. It helps the nail polish last longer.

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