Sunday, January 8, 2017

5 Tips on How To Instantly Reduce Pores

Hi everyone,

it IS possible to get a flawless face with minimal pore visibility. How?! Well, here are 6 ways that I found using which you can work towards it:

1. Exfoliate, exfoliate:

Try to exfoliate your skin at least once a week to avoid clogged pores.  Clogged pores are a major cause for breakouts. Avoid anything too harsh though, you don’t want to irritate your skin. Use a light scrub or a soft cloth dipped in lukewarm water to scrub your face.

2. Get toned:

Toners help tighten up your pores and also control oil content on your skin, so make sure you use a good quality tone water, or even pure rose water. There are lots of inexpensive brands that do a good job with their toners

3. Face it:

Never underestimate the power of face masks. Face masks, especially the clay-based ones are excellent for absorbing excess oil and getting rid of dirt and grime right at the root. Try to use a good-quality clay or exfoliating mask at least once a week.  I am actually guilty of never having used a face mask! I will read all the Freeman and Lush face mask reviews for research now

4. The prime Factor:

Use a makeup primer. It works wonders in smoothening out your skin and giving you an even tone, and it ensures that your makeup goes on perfectly, to get that photo finish you have always wanted. I personally use foundation rarely, but when I do, I do apply a light lotion as a base.

5. Less is More:

Don’t overdo it – avoid slapping on the makeup like pancake. Lightweight, sheer, soft – if you see any of these words on a brand of foundation, go for it. These work much better than the creamier heavyduty ones which could also clog your pores and may be tough to remove at the end of the day.

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