Tuesday, January 10, 2017

5 Beauty and Skin Care Tips for Pregnant Women

Hi everyone ,

Motherhood is one of the best experiences in a woman’s life! The period of 9 months is just so special. You have to nurture a little baby in your womb after all. But, this magical journey also brings along various hormonal changes and can completely alter the way you look. Pregnancy is different for everyone; some may glow while others may look pale. It has also been seen that pregnant women totally cut down their skin care regimen which also worsens their skin condition. You don’t need to do so, just follow some easy steps given below to take care of skin during pregnancy.

Stay Hydrated
First and foremost, you need to drink plenty of water. It not only flushes out toxic substances from body, but also maintains sufficient amniotic fluid for the baby to be comfortable. Drinking water will also hydrate your skin and thus lessen the chances of stretch marks after pregnancy.

Avoid Sun and Use Sun Block
As your body undergoes many hormonal fluctuations that can make your skin sensitive leading to darkening and pigmentation, try to avoid the sun as much as possible. The sun can also harm you through windows inside your car and home so it is recommended to use sun block cream containing SPF 30 or more. It is advisable to apply sun block cream 30 minutes before going out in sun. Reapply it every 3-4 hours to fetch maximum benefits.

Take Note of Your Diet and Exercise

Excellent diet is very necessary to provide sufficient nutrients to the foetus to grow. Many of the pregnant ladies crave junk food, but this won’t give you any nutrients and can also increase your weight. Pregnancy fat is not going to help your baby grow. So, always stress more on a nutritious diet. You can also opt for yoga after consulting your doctor.
Maintain A Good Skin Regimen

Hormonal changes can make you feel tired, but you should take out time to pamper your skin. Stick to your CTM with organic products. If you feel your skin type is changing because of pregnancy then change the products, preferably after consulting your doctor.
Home Remedies Are The Best Skin Aide
Home remedies are free of chemicals and are trustworthy. Use raw milk with a cotton ball and apply slowly all over your face and neck. Not only will your skin be hydrated, it will also increase the glow and reduce skin tan. You can use the mixture of corn flour and honey to scrub out dead skin. Don’t forget to moisturize your skin. Get a good head massage, and pamper your eyes with cucumber slices.

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