Monday, January 9, 2017

Diet Chart For get Flat Abs

Hi everyone,

Flat abs are what I dream of – each day, every day.  The post-pregnancy paunch is a nightmare and when I wake up every morning, I just wish it wasn’t there, wishful thinking, I know.  I am not ready to let go of my cheesy and high-calorie stuff yet, but those of you who are determined to get a flat tummy, I have put together some great tips and a diet chart that will help you lose weight from your tummy and body.  By following these points along with the diet, and a bit of workout, you can get great abs, just be religious, that’s the mantra! Let’s go directly to the topic.  I will write down everything point wise, so that it would be easier for you to read through and remember:

1.  Cut down on sugar, aerated drinks, canned and processed foods, and also food products with lots of preservatives.  All this stuff adds on extra empty calories to your body which you would find hard to shed.  No sugar-coated stuff either.

2.  Eliminate pasta completely from your diet.  Go easy with your cheese slices.
3.  Start your day with a warm glass of water.  It helps to flush out toxins from your body.  As your second glass of water, squeeze in one whole lemon in a warm glass of water with 1 tbsp of honey. This drink will help you to cut down extra calories.
4.  If you are a non-vegetarian, replace high-fat meat in your menu with steamed fish.  The Omega-3 fatty acids in fish are great for your heart, skin, and hair.
5.  Replace refined oil with olive oil for cooking purposes.
6.  Completely eliminate whole purpose flour completely from your menu.  This plain flour does nothing for your body, in fact, it sticks to your gut like glue and would allow unhealthy bacteria to grow in your gut.
7.  Have an early dinner.  You should remember that body’s metabolism is highest during mornings and afternoon time and slows down completely by night.  An early dinner would give your body enough time to digest and burn the food.
8.  Eat food rich in fiber – cabbage, broccoli, oatmeal, anything that is high in fiber.
9.  In addition to the diet chart I have given below – always remember to get a healthy serving of fruit – apple, oranges, grapes, banana, kiwi, apricots, peaches – a fruit a day.
10.  Replace refined sugar in your diet with maple syrup (did you know it has 50 antioxidants) or jaggery.
11.  Don’t lie down right after you have had your dinner, take a stroll after you have had your dinner.

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