Thursday, January 19, 2017

make Your Lips an Even Skin Tone

Hi everyone ,

The problem may be unattractive, but there is a solution. With few simple remedies and lifestyle changes you can even out the colour of your lips within the comfort of your home. Here are a few to try.
• Pour 1 tbsp. honey and 2 tbsp. lime juice into a cup and stir it well. Spread the mixture over the lip everyday for about four days to naturally lighten your upper lip colour. Be sure to leave the mixture on the lip for at least 30 minutes.
.Mix equal quantities of lime juice, honey, and glycerine and apply it daily on your lips to lighten the skin of your dark lip.
• Prepare an exfoliating scrub using a mixture of rice powder and yogurt. Use this to exfoliate the upper lip area twice daily.
• Gently exfoliate your lips and then rub on some almond milk or almond oil on them. Leave it for at least an hour before wiping the excess off with a cotton ball. Apply almond oil every day for several weeks to see positive results.
• Mix together a tablespoon of oatmeal, a teaspoon each of lime juice, yogurt, honey and one egg white. Whisk the ingredients together and apply the mixture on the entire face. This will help remove the tan and will lighten the skin naturally.
• Rub a slice of cucumber on your lips for few minutes daily to lighten them naturally.
• Apply mint juice or coriander leaves’ juice on the lips to make your lip smooth and pink naturally.
Some Do’s and Don’ts:
• To avoid dry, dark and patchy lips always apply sunscreen on your lips before stepping out.
• Before going to sleep remove lip stick and rub your lips with ice cubes for few minutes.
• Keep your body hydrated by drinking lots of water. People who do not drink sufficient water are more prone to get dry lips and dry skin.
• Vitamin A rich food, like, carrots, tomatoes and green leafy vegetables should be included in the diet.
• Quitting smoking and reduce the intake of coffee and tea to get an even skin tone on lips.
• Apply lip balm every night prior to sleeping. Use pure shea butter if possible.
Consult a dermatologist for medical treatment and guidance, in case none of the above remedies work.

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