Thursday, January 12, 2017

Before-Bed Beauty Habits You Should Follow Every Night

Hi everyone,
          How are you all doing? We read so many tips about beauty and want to look our best on a daily basis. But are we doing enough for our skin, hair and face to love us back? The most crucial beauty step is maintaining a routine, and the best way to make sure that you follow it regularly is by ensuring that you do it before going to bed. Hence here is a comprehensive beauty routine that you should follow before going to bed in order to wake up to a more beautiful version of yourself.

Always Cleanse Your Face before Heading to Bed

The golden rule that you should never ever break if you want clear, clean and beautiful skin all your life: no matter how tired you are sleep with a clean face. Scrub your face with a deep cleansing face wash or a mild scrub to provide a clean slate for the goodness of all your creams to soak in. Never go to bed with the toxins on your skin. Keep cleansing wipes handy for those extra late nights.

  Moisturisation is the Key to Waking up Beautiful
Who likes dry, chapped skin? We all want to wake up with beautiful, soft and supple skin and the key to that is intense hydration and moisturisation at night. Use a heavy moisturiser for night time and a body butter or lotion on your arms and legs before going to bed. Your body will thank you by being hydrated and soft even in the morning.

Treat Those Pimples Overnight

The night is the best time for spot treatments. You can cure acne, pimples and scars by using spot treatments at night. All you need to do is apply tea tree oil on the affected area or a pimple for it to shrink overnight. Similarly, you can use your spot reduction treatment or blemish serums overnight so that they have ample time to deliver best results.

Show Some TLC to Your Hands and Nails

You should all make it a routine to show some tender love and care to your hands and nails before going to bed. Make a habit of using a moisturising hand cream before going to bed for softer hands; this will also prevent the ageing of hands. Don’t forget to take care of your nails; always apply some cuticle oil or simply Vaseline before going to sleep.

Sleep Your Way to Baby Soft Feet

Our feet are the most calloused and ignored part of our body during the day. Therefore, they deserve a special place in our beauty routine at night. Apply some foot cream before going to bed or use a heavy moisturising cream. Then put on some light cotton socks and wake up with baby soft feet the next morning.

Braid Your Hair for Damage-Free, Bouncy Hair

One habit that you should incorporate into your routine for beautiful hair is braiding your hair at night. The maximum amount of damage is caused to our hair by constant friction and rubbing at night. Therefore braiding your hair will ensure that your hair suffers least amount of damage. And there is a bonus point as well. You will wake up with heatless voluminous and bouncy hair in the morning.

Castor Oil for Lashes and Brows

If you want beautiful, long and thick lashes and brows then you have to look after them every single day. All you need to do is dip a cotton bud in castor oil and apply it on your lashes and eyebrows for thicker, fuller and beautiful growth.

Cold Eye Cream for Puffy and Tired Eyes

With our busy lifestyles of staring at the screen or the mobile or books all day, we need to make a special place for our eyes in our beauty routine. Hence eye creams are a must to get rid of tired looking, puffy and bloated eyes. To make your eye cream more effective, you can place it in the refrigerator and apply it cold. You will wake up to visibly brighter and fresh looking eyes and your eyes will surely thank you in the long term.

Overnight Treatments before Bed

Any skin concern should be addressed in your before-bed beauty routine. If anti-ageing is what you are looking for, then apply a suitable overnight treatment. Similarly, blemishes, skin dullness, rough hair should be taken care of before bedtime.

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