Friday, January 13, 2017

Lose Fat From Face in 30 Days

Hi everyone ,

1.  Chew sugar-free gum! I’m pretty sure this is the reason why my cheekbones are so defined. Because of my constant habit of chewing gum pretty much all day, I have very narrow cheekbones. Also, this was suggested to one of my friends by her agent when she started auditioning for commercials. By chewing lots of gum, you’re forcing your mouth to move and it’s a form of exercise that tones down your cheeks.
2.  Try facial yoga! There are a few techniques that really help you slim down your face fast. My favorite pose includes looking up at the ceiling, while stretching out the cupid’s bow area and making an “o” with your mouth.
3. To make your jaw more sharper, try tilting your jaw back until it aligns with your neck and stick out your tongue as far as you can. Doing this twice daily for 10 seconds each can really help improve the condition of your jaw.
4. Making a fish face by squeezing in your cheeks will help you get more defined cheekbones. Hold it for about 10 seconds and repeat this five times a day.
5. Pretend you have Listerine or any other mouthwash inside and swish it around by tightening your lips. Doing this for forty seconds, twice a day will really tighten the muscles around your chin as well as your cheekbones.
6. Massaging! Massage your lower neck going upwards toward your chin to help you get a more prominent chin and neck. To reduce cheeks, massage from chin towards your earlobe on both sides evenly (remember you don’t want one cheek to be smaller than the other). This will help blood circulate and tighten up your skin gradually.
7. Avoid alcohol as this makes your face bloat almost instantly. It dehydrates your body and will make you seem a lot bigger than you actually are. If it’s not possible to avoid alcohol for whatever reason, just make sure you’re drinking a glass of water between each drink so that you balance out the alcohol to water ratio. This will also help prevent an awful hangover.

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