Thursday, January 12, 2017

3 Health Benefits Of Eating Pomegranate During Pregnancy

Hi everyone ,

Here are some of the health benefits of drinking pomegranate juice while pregnant:

1. Fulfills Your Calorific Requirement:

When you are pregnant, you need between 2,000 to 2,200 calories during your second and third trimesters.
  • Eight ounce of pomegranate juice contains roughly 136 calories, which provides you a healthy percent of your daily calorific requirement.
  • You can also drink a larger amount of pomegranate juice through the day to hydrate your body, something that is crucial while you are pregnant.
  • While pomegranate juice will provide you with a lot of calories, make sure that you include a variety of fruit and vegetable sources for your calorie intake, as keeping it varied will help absorb more calories.

2. Folate:

During pregnancy, the vitamin folate plays a crucial role for both you and your baby’s development
  • A serving of pomegranate juice will give you the goodness of 60 mg of folate.
  • While you are pregnant, you should have about 600 mg of folate on a daily basis, and as minimum as 400 mg per day.
  • Having the right amount of folate while you are pregnant will keep your baby safe and protected against various birth defects, including neural tube birth defect.

3. Vitamin K:

Pomegranate juice is a great source of the vitamin K.
  • One serving of pomegranate juice contains 26.1 micrograms of vitamin K.
  • On a daily basis, you need about 90 mcg of vitamin K while you are pregnant.
  • Vitamin K plays a big role in strengthening your and the developing baby’s bones. It also aids in the normal process of blood clotting, again for both you and the developing baby.

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