Thursday, January 19, 2017

5 Overnight Hacks to Wake Up to Fabulous Hair

Hi everyone ,

Who doesn’t like waking up to beautiful hair every morning? But it sometimes seems next to impossible, especially for people like me who are facing issues such as dry, frizzy hair and an oily scalp. Therefore, here I have listed 5 overnight hacks that I incorporate into my daily routine to combat my oily scalp and dry hair.

1) The dry shampoo trick

One of my favorite tricks that I normally incorporate is that I use a dry shampoo at night if my hair and scalp seem to be oily. This way, the dry shampoo can work its magic overnight. The roots of my hair start getting oily on the very next day of my hair wash. Therefore I make sure I use a dry shampoo overnight as it helps to absorb all the oil better. Doing this gives me better results than spraying dry shampoo in the morning or while in a rush. Once you start using the dry shampoo overnight, you’ll always wake up to oil free and beautiful hair in the morning.

2) Prevent hair breakage

One must make sure that they always tie their hair in a loose braid while sleeping as leaving hair open while sleeping may lead to hair breakage. I recommend the use of satin pillow cover instead of the regular cotton cover. This will not only prevent the tangling of hair but also will keep your hair smooth.

3) Brushing is important

It is very important to brush your hair before you go to sleep. One can use a brush with natural bristles or a wide tooth comb for best results. After brushing your hair, you can opt for an overnight treatment that will enhance the smoothness and shine of your hair and you’ll surely wake up to beautiful hair in the morning. An overnight treatment is perfect for busy girls and helps in maintaining the health of your hair.

4) Get curls by morning

If you love curls and would like to wake up with beautiful curls in the morning then all you have to do is wash your hair before you go to bed. Let your hair air dry for some time. When your hair is around 50 percent dry, all you got to do is tie it into 2-3 braids. You’ll wake up to beautiful and well defined curls in the morning.

5) Try this one too!

Using a leave-in conditioner or a hair serum overnight helps to wake up with beautiful, soft and smooth hair in the morning. All you have to do is use a serum or a leave in conditioner before going to bed and tie your hair in a loose bun or a loose braid. You will definitely wake up to beautiful, soft and smooth tresses in the morning

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