Tuesday, January 31, 2017

5 things you do that damage your teeth

Hi everyone,

Your pearly whites are irreplaceable, especially once you have lost your baby teeth. So instead of regretting later, it's best to take good care of them today. These are some things you are probably doing on a daily basis that are harming your teeth and gums.

1. Using your old brush

When was the last time you changed your brush? You should not use an old toothbrush for long as it will have harmful bacteria that can lead to infections. Some even suggest changing toothbrush after a bout of cold. Moreover, old toothbrushes are mostly ineffective because the bristles degrade over time.

2. Opening packets or bottles?

Many people use their teeth to open a pack, tear off tags from clothes or even sometimes open bottles. This is extremely harmful for your teeth and gums both. Teeth are just for chewing food, not to be used as tool.

3. Brushing right after eating

Some people think that brushing right after eating is good for the teeth. In reality, it is not! This makes you brush the acid into your teeth, which may erode your enamel. So wait for at least 30 minutes after a meal.

4. Eating too much sugar

Sugar is one of the biggest culprits of damaged teeth and gums. It leads to bacteria that produce acids and if this stays longer in your mouth, the acid will start acting on your tooth enamel leading to serious oral issues.

5. Tobacco

This goes without saying that tobacco is the biggest reason of tooth decay. Chewing tobaccco is in fact worse than smoking. It cuts blood supply to the gums and excess can even lead to oral cancer.

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