Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Start Losing Weight at Home in Just Ten Days

Hi everyone ,

It feels so good to know that you guys are willing to lose some extra pounds and willing to get fitter and healthier. I know you cannot spare any time out of your busy schedule but you want to look slim in your hottest outfits. From my personal experience, I am sharing these weight loss tips that will actually make you look slimmer and fitter in just 10 days. Make sure that you follow these tips religiously for next 10 days.

1. Climb those stairs daily

15 minutes of climbing stairs will boost your metabolism, make you more active and tone your leg muscles (thighs, buttocks and calves). It might feel like you are only working your leg muscles but be assured that your whole body is active while you are climbing up and down.

2. Smart fluid intake

  • Drink 2-3 glasses of water after you get out of your bed. It will cleanse and activate your digestive system.
  • Drink tea in the morning. A cup of green tea after every meal will help you boost your metabolism.
  • Drink a cup of coffee (prefer sugar-free) before the workout. It will help you burn more calories during the workout and will also reduce post-workout muscle pain.
  • Drink as much as water you can throughout the day, preferably before meals. This will prevent overeating. Water is also known to hydrate your body and it is good for your skin.
  • Drink honey + water or lemon juice + water from time to time. It will help you burn extra fat.

3. These things will help:

  • Make an awesome playlist for your workout. Listening to songs while working out will make the activity more enjoyable.
  • Start exercises with 5-10 minutes of warm-up and do stretching after workout to avoid cramps and stiffness in muscles.
  • Motivate yourself every single day. Set alarms and reminders, keep checking workout and inspirational quotes. Download images of that one celebrity who you think has the best body!
  • Stay focused. You cannot achieve what you want just by thinking about it. Work for it today because abs don’t happen overnight.
  • Skip rope, dance to your favourite song, walk, run – just keep yourself active.
  • Meditate. Clear your mind of all the worldly thoughts and just be with yourself for 10-15 minutes. Stress-free.

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