Thursday, January 5, 2017

10 benefits of meditation

Hi everyone,

To know more about the scientific benefits of meditation, it is advisable to collect and read books on the subject. Books also provide you simple tips and techniques to master the art.

1. Set aside some time for meditation every day

The adage “Practice Makes a Man Perfect” is completely true in the case of meditation. When you start meditating, you may not notice the benefits instantly. But the more you stick to a routine, the easier it gets to relax your mind and allow clarity to flow through. Even if meditation is done for an interval of 5 minutes, you should practice it every day to see the real benefits.
2. Release all frustrations

While you are learning meditation, it is completely natural to feel frustrated due to random thoughts. You should not try to stop these thoughts; that will just agitate you more. You should just let these thoughts flow by and slowly get back to focusing on your breath.

3. Take away the distractions
When you are meditating, it is important that you are not distracted by external noises or events. So make sure that you make your roommates or family aware that you are going to be busy for certain duration of time. Also, remember to put your mobile phones away or in silent mode.
In the market today, meditation music is available in plenty.

4. Focusing on your body parts
This is a great technique to focus your mind on the present. When you begin, concentrate on your breath and try to feel each body part, beginning at your feet. You should not touch the body parts; just focus on them in your mind. Work your way up through each part of the body.

5. Visualize white light flowing through your body
You can imagine white light from the sun flowing through your body. This unblocks specific chakras and brings you a lot of clarity. Let go of emotional patterns and imbibe the vibrations of the white light for complete peace of mind.
6. Eat light before each meditation session
The best time to meditate is before a meal. If you meditate after meals, you may drift off into sleep. However, make sure that you do not meditate on an empty stomach, as this will cause hunger cramps. You may even keep thinking about food the entire time!
7. Keep a gentle smile on your face
It is believed that a gentle smile actually enhances the meditation experience. Try it to see the difference! A smile really does keep you relaxed and peaceful for a more fulfilling session.

8. Enjoy the experience
The ultimate goal is to simply let go of all recurring thoughts and enjoy your window of meditation. Be kind to yourself, and start off by meditating for a few minutes each day. As you progress, you can extend the time to suit your likes.
9. Meditate in the morning
Some people like to meditate at the beginning of the day, as this helps them smoothly acquire a state of peace and silence. You can feel the vibrations easily, and your chakras clear out if you meditate in the morning. This also makes the whole day go better. 

10. Open your eyes slowly
At the end of your meditation session, open your eyes slowly and do not move about instantly. Take time to be aware of your surroundings and yourself. Savor the experience and look ahead to a bright and fruitful day!
Even if you did not get much from the practice, do not give up. Be grateful that you set aside time for meditation. Although you do not see any obvious results initially, you will definitely reap the benefits in the long run.

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