Tuesday, January 3, 2017

10 drinks that speed up the weight loos process

Hi everyone ,

A girl is never slim enough (in her mind):P. She may look pretty and attractive to the world in a figure hugging dress; but, she will ask everyone around her the same age old question “Am I looking fat?”. We all do it regardless of how good we look. Even I do it but, that’s because I am fat 😛 really!
So, here in this post I am going to talk about few drinks that you can incorporate in your diet and workout regime to see the results according to your needs.

Flavored Water:
Drinking 6-8 litres of plain boring water a day seems like a tedious task. But, if you flavor it with some herbs, you can enjoy it even more. Besides that, flavored water also reduces your craving for snacks which in turn reduces our daily calorie intake.

Flavored water is so much better than carbonated drinks that add so many empty calories.
Flavored Water Recipe:
1. Take 1-2 litres of water, 1 cucumber, 1 lemon’s juice and a few mint leaves.
2. Put them in a jug and leave them overnight to let the flavors infuse.
Next day get some ice cubes and enjoy this delicious detoxing drink.
Green Tea
This is a no brainer! Green tea has so many benefits that everyone should have it. It has so many anti-oxidants that help boost metabolism and speed up the weight loss process. I am very sure everyone knows the recipe to make green tea. For a change, try lavender green tea which is really healthy and refreshing for the body.
Green Tea with Lavender Recipe:
Just make the usual green tea and add fresh lavender blossoms to it. Let it rest for a minute and pour into a glass and enjoy this drink hot or cold.
Ginger Tea:
Ginger increases the body temperature thus, helping burn fat more effectively. Have ginger tea daily to increase the benefits of your efforts to lose weight.
Ginger Tea Recipe:
1. Boil the water.
2. Add ginger (1-2 pieces) and simmer for 5-10 minutes.
3. Remove from the gas and add lemon juice and honey.
4. Mix well and have a cup of this ginger tea in the morning.
Coconut Water:

Did you know if your body is dehydrated, it will burn so many less calories than the usual? And, the best way to stay hydrated is to drink coconut water! It has high fibre content. Fibre has zero calories and it helps you feel fuller for a long period of time.
It reduces cravings and has zero cholesterol and it’s very low in fat content. So, it’s a perfect drink for those who are trying to lose weight. Drink coconut water daily to see good results!
Black Coffee:
It has chlorogenic acid and anti-oxidants; both of which help in weight loss process. If you work out, just have a black coffee before that and you will burn more calories.
A cup of black coffee contains only around 5.4 calories. If you drink black coffee twice a day, it also helps in prevention of cancer and in getting rid of headaches.
Drink your coffee without added sugars and creams in order to reap full benefits because these things add unnecessary calories, which is not good for weight loss.
Juice of Cranberry and Pear:

These 2 fruits are rich in vitamin-C, which increases metabolism and also our energy levels. In fact, pears also have Calcium which is important for keeping our bones healthy and strong. These fruit juices are very easy to prepare and are very tasty which will satisfy your taste buds as well.
How to make one?
Just add cranberries and pear in a blender (according to your needs) and blend. Squeeze a lemon and drink up ladies! This drink is also an excellent detox drink.
Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) really helps to boost up the metabolism and it is also great for the detoxification process. Vinegar suppresses the appetite making us want to eat less. This naturally helps to shed extra pounds.
Just add 1 tbsp of ACV to a glass of water and squeeze a lemon’s juice into it. Drink this mixture once daily. Although, it tastes really sour, the lemon in it will help to balance it out.
This mixture helps to reduce and manage the weight and the changes in the body are also long lasting.
The Good Old Water:
Water is the life line; it’s the necessity for all bodily functions and not just a choice. And, it will also help you lose weight!
Drink warm water throughout the day instead of normal room temperature water. Water regulates body temperature and allows you to flush toxins through urine.
A Quick Tip: How to know how much water your body needs in a day?
Just divide your weight in kgs by 20 and the result will tell the total amount of litres of water one must consume throughout the day. Let say if you are 60 kg, then you need at least 3 litres of water.
Yogurt Based Smoothies:

They are really delicious and filling for the stomach. If you want a low calorie breakfast just have a smoothie instead. Yogurt has calcium which helps burn fat and limits the amount of fat your body can make. Smoothies are really a healthy option as breakfast and a very tasty one at that!
Smoothie Recipe:
Take frozen fruits and yogurt and blend until smooth. You can add ice too. It makes really tasty smoothie which is healthy too.
So, that was the list of drinks that speed up the weight loss process. Please share your recipes and views in the comments.

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