Sunday, January 8, 2017

3 Delicious Smoothies For A Healthy Clear Skin

Hi everyone ,

From today, I have decided to make a change in my breakfast menu and get in one smoothie that could help with the detoxification of my skin and body. Smoothies are a great way to kick start your day. There are certain ingredients that really help our body flush out all the toxins and act as a great skin detox, leading to a clear and healthy skin. So, here are three delicious recipes for a great beginning of your day and an amazing skin detox.

1. Green Strawberry Skin Detox Smoothie:

Strawberries make for a fresh breakfast and contain some surprising detoxifying compounds that make this green smoothie extra healthy. Strawberries are packed with Vitamin C that will help you detox and clear your skin. Vitamin c is actually known to be anti-aging too! So, not only will this drink clear your skin, but it will also help protect it for later. Cucumbers also flush toxins from your body and clear your skin.
1 Cup Fresh Strawberry
1 Banana
1 Cucumber Peeled
1/2 Cup Spinach
Honey To Taste
1 1/2 Cup Almond Milk (click to know how to make almond milk) or Soy Milk
Blend in all the ingredients
Add honey if required as per your taste

2. Strong Green Skin Detox Drink:

Out of all the detoxifying green drinks, this is the strongest smoothie. If you aren’t used to detox drinks at all, you should probably not start with this one. Mint is a powerful blood detoxifier and reduces bloating. Lemon detoxes the blood as well, but it also flushes toxins out from the liver and kidneys and aids in digestion. The taste of refreshing mint pairs nicely with the lemon in this smoothie, creating a light and delicious green-colored drink.
3 Cups Water
Juice of 1 Lemon
1 Small Piece of Ginger
1 Cucumber Peeled
1/4 Cup Mint
2 handful of Ice
Blend everything in a mixture and treat yourself to this atleast twice a week!

3. Coconut Orange Skin Detox Smoothie:

This one’s the yummiest of the lot. So refreshing and super yum! Oranges contain the strongest anti oxidants to flush out toxins from your body. They are also rich in fibre and help in digestion. Fresh ginger gives this smoothie a zing with the added benefits of reduced inflammation, boosted metabolism and immunity, and blood cleansing. Kale is a dark leafy green and is very detoxifying to the body. It contains sulphur for liver detox, Vitamin C for hydrating and replenishing, and fibre for detoxifying your digestive system. Chia seeds are also major detoxifiers, binding to excess water and flushing toxins that are in it.

1/2 Banana
1 Orange Peeled
1 inch Fresh Ginger
1/2 Lime
1 Radish
1 Tbs Chia Seeds
1 Green leaf (Cabbage, Kale) – Kale (Karam saag) is way better 🙂
1/2 Cup coconut milk
1/2 Cup of Water – more or less depending on how thick you like it
Honey or Stevia to sweeten
Mix everything in a mixer and serve chilled! To make a variation you can add pineapple also in this smoothie… It’ll only be yummier! Sllluuurrrrppppp…

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