Sunday, January 1, 2017

5 beauty resolutions you can follow in 2017

Hi everyone,
Want to make 2017 the best year for your skin? Then, you do need to step up your beauty game! From removing your make-up to pampering yourself, you can easily follow these resolutions for the New Year and a new you!

1. Don't skip your sunscreensunscreen

One of the most important skincare habits to follow is applying a sunscreen. Be it winters or summers, your skin can be prone to damage in any weather. Wearing sunscreen on a daily basis can prevent premature aging, tanning, and even skin cancer. It's always good to apply the sunscreen 15 minutes before stepping out. By doing this, the cream will absorb and protect better.

2. Always moisturise
With the harsh weather, pollution, and daily make-up your skin demands some TLC. Make sure you apply a moisturiser (suiting your skin type), during the night and in the morning. And never forget your eyes—the skin around your eyes is the thinnest and is more prone to dryness and ageing. To address these issues, do apply an eye cream in a circular motion to improve skin's elasticity.

3. Never sleep with your make-up on
The worst thing you can do to your skin is sleeping with your make-up on. And don't we do that a lot of times? Well, this can ruin your skin! From skin allergies to breakouts, your skin can suffer a lot when you don't remove your make-up. So, next time make sure you remove your layers of foundation and eye make-up before sleeping. For the days, you're too lazy to hit the washroom, just keep a pack of make-up removing wipes near your bed.

4. Always clean your make-up brushesbrushes

Your make-up brushes can have more bacteria than you can even think of. According to experts, you should clean your brushes once a month, while eye brushes should be cleaned twice a month. This easy resolution will always keep your skin healthy and breakout free.

5. And don't forget to pamper yourself!

If you're the busy one, try to keep at least one day a week for yourself. Indulge in deep-cleansing facials, hair massages, pedicure, etc. This 'me time' will surely pamper you and enhance your beauty.

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