Thursday, January 5, 2017

What Your Blood Type Reveals About Your Health!

Hi everyone,
Our blood type is genetically predisposed, we inherit it from our parents and this is a known fact. We could be one of four blood type groups A, B, AB and O and two Rh factors, positive and negative and even though we don’t think much of our blood type it canplay a major role in our overall health condition. For example it has been discovered that women belonging to blood type A are more fertile but have a higher risk of developing stomach cancer. People with a blood type O don’t have to worry about heart attacks but can suffer from high blood pressure while those with blood type B are prone to pancreatic cancer.

Blood Group A – fertile, but prone to alcohol
People belonging to this blood type group are at risk of developing stomach cancer which is why they need to undergo regular medical checkups. On the other hand, women can get pregnant even when they’re older because they don’t lose as much eggs as they get older.Even though being fertile is a big advantage, the stomach cancer risk should be taken into consideration. It’s especially higher if the person is also a smoker and heavy drinker. It’s also been discovered that people with this blood type group are prone to alcohol abuse and obsessive compulsive disarrays.
Blood Type B- increased possibility of ulcers, but better metabolism
Persons with a blood type B are at risk of pancreatic cancer, higher possibility of cognitive diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s in old age and are vulnerable to ulcers and infections. As bad as it sounds, knowing your risks can help you protect yourself better and take precautions, just in case. On the other hand, they have a faster metabolism and can tone their muscles much faster.
Blood group O – lower risk of heart attack and lower fertility
The good news for people belonging to this blood type group are that they have a lower risk of suffering a heart attack or developing stomach cancer. The bad news is that they are vulnerable to ulcers caused by the Helicobacter pylori and men are prone to obesity. Women on the other hand, have problems getting pregnant because their egg cells’ quality and numbers are decreased. Another good thing that needs to be mentioned is that they are immune to stress because the stress hormones’ levels drop rapidly after a stressful event.
Blood group AB – prone to heart attacks, but with quality vision
Blood group AB is especially dangerous for women because they have a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer, while pregnant women are prone to increased blood pressure – preeclampsia. People from this group are vulnerable to heart disease and stroke, as well as digestive issues like chronic gastritis, Crohn’s ailment and so on.

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